Will keep in the 'frig for two weeks or more. These also make wonderful egg salad and are a great Easter treat as well!
1 dozen eggs, hard boiled and shelled
1- 2 cans sliced beets with juice
3/4 cup apple cider vinegar
stevia or sugar to taste
thinly sliced onion, two cloves of garlic, horseradish root (peeled), dill or crushed peppercorns (use some of these or all!)
In saucepan, combine all ingredients except the eggs. Bring to a brief boil or until sugar is dissolved. Set aside. Allow to cool, then pour over the eggs that have been placed in a wide- mouthed glass jar. Cover, chill in refrigerator for 5 hours or overnite.
sounds great, I'm wondering if you can seal the jars and keep the eggs onhand?